Discover the Magic of a Nomadic Tour in Iran: A Journey into Timeless Traditions Iran Nomad Tour is is one of the most amazing experience you could have in Iran. Imagine embarking on a journey where the past seamlessly intertwines with the present, where ancient traditions breathe life into modern experiences, and where every step

Iran Bakhtiari Nomads From ancient times, the human being has always sought different ways to adapt himself to natural and climatic situations and geographical limitations. Iran, as one of the vast oldest cradles of civilization, embraces a wide range of climatic conditions settled by various ethnic groups. The diversity is so amazing that it is

Bakhtiari Nomadic Land Bakhtiari is the name of one major Iranian nomadic tribe living in the central part of the Zagros mountain range. Bakhtiari nomadic land is very remote and far from civilization. It embraces the last remaining original and authentic nomadic tribes in Iran.  Livestock raising is their profession, and their life is divided