Here you can find all the information you will need in your trip to Iran, including most asked questions about your travel, Iran’s culture and etiquette and much more:
The dress code of Iran, has always been the topic of many conversations throughout…
Opposed to general misconception Iran is a relatively safe country for tourists & travelers…
Some days on the Iranian calendar are considered national holidays. One of the largest…
Rial (ريال) is the official currency of Iran; however, due to an informal convention and people’s…
The health authorities suggest you consider vaccinations against Hepatitis A, Typhoid…
The most widely-accepted currency is the US dollar, but Euros and UK Pound Sterling are…
Standards of food hygiene are mostly satisfactory in all categories of eating houses. In general…
No Ruz, new day or New Year as the Iranians call it, is a celebration of spring Equinox. It has been…
Although no trip to Iran would be complete without a glimpse at the stunning architecture and…
Iran is still a cash economy, so bring enough hard currency for the duration of your stay. US dollars and euros…
Free WIFI is available in most hotels, coffee shops & restaurants in big cities like Tehran…
For those who are planning to visit Iran here are some of the social codes which may be of interet…